Are all French citizens in 2018 treated alike as suggests French Ambassador to the U.S ?
20 juil. 2018Trevor Noah, South African Comedian and Political commentator, faced the wrath of French nationals and government following his remark that "Africa won the world cup". Serge Araud, French Ambassador to the U.S., argued that all of the French National players, except for two, were all from French descent (that is ... they were born in France, schooled in France, etc...) and were not Africans... He claimed that France was a diverse country considering all its citizens regardless of their origins alike.
Well, let's hear how French institutions regard some of their Afro-descendants nationals from the horse's mouth itself?
Black French actresses stunt on Cannes Film Festival to denounce racism in film industry | AFROPUNK
Black French actresses are ready to fight erasure and racism in the film industry. As we recently reported, a group of 16 women recently released a book to share their experiences. They're ...
The Carnaval of Dunkerque in the North of France in March 2018, supported by the Mayor of the town, dismissed the request of many black organisations who felt that the representation of "the ball of the blacks" using black faces was offensive to Afro descendants, and didn't want this parade and tradition to be upheld by French institutions.
Face à la polémique, le maire de Dunkerque défend la "Nuit des Noirs" pour le carnaval
SOCIÉTÉ - "Acte raciste" ou "droit à la caricature"? Une polémique a ressurgi avant l'ouverture dimanche du carnaval de Dunkerque autour du bal costumé de la "Nuit des Noirs" programmé le 10 ...
How does the French Federation of Football deal with offensive behaviours from French footballers on the question of race? That was Antoine Griezmann, by the way, who did apologize realizing that it was inappropriate..
Antoine Griezmann Posts Blackface Photo on Twitter
French soccer star Antoine Griezmann is facing backlash after posting a photo in blackface on Twitter. The 26-year-old Atlético Madrid forward tweeted the picture Sunday with the caption, "80's ...
Is French Police treating Black youth alike or was this an isolated incident?
French Police Sodomized Young Black Man By Accident: Investigators
French investigators said Thursday that the police officers in Paris who sodomized a young black man with a baton did so accidentally, and that the incident does not constitute rape. The 22-year-old