S.Rise : an artist destined to great heights !!
14 août 2018What struck me about S.Rise, Reggae and Conscious artist from Guadeloupe, is his commitment to self-development and to inspire others. His vision is huge, so much so that he seems to always think he takes babysteps where others would consider they have arrived.
S.Rise owns up to his actions and their impact within the society he lives in. Unlike some, he chooses not to use You but rather personnifies what he sings using I « I don’t want to position myself telling people what to do with themselves but by reminding myself of staying in a positive mindframe, and say I « as an affirmation », it can then resonate within the listener too".
S.Rise would further say « The way I write at the moment is very mindful of the way I will say, formulate stuff and take ownership of the lyrics … This is me now, aware of who I am and where I am coming from, more focussed than before, self-disciplined, knowing the importance of having the mind, soul and body strong. If your thinking process is negative, it’s like eating bad food, you are harming yourself »
And his frame of mind is clearly expressed in his last song « I am winning », available to download for free on his website http://sriseofficial.com and out since the 1st August 2018.
Continue to read below for more info on S.Rise
The inspiration came while S.Rise was performing at a show in St Pancras with the live band called (ONE THE BAND) in Spring 2018. The band played the instrumental of the song « Hello » from an artist called Kes. « I really love this song. When the band played it, I wanted to write something on it. Then I downloaded the instrumental and the chorus came to me. I was at home. »
I am winning is a great song for Summer which willl uplift you on your way to work remaining hopeful while on the « plantation ». The song also encapsulates S.Rise’s general feeling « everything that happened so far this year, Gambia, #Iamnot4sale, Kalash, Etana in Guadeloupe, blessings and babysteps and progress ». He is full of appreciation.
See S.Rise performance with Etana in Guadeloupe and at Kalash's concert in London on 9th June 2018
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S.Rise performance at Kalash's concert in London on 9th June 2018
His manager Red would also mention a significant performance at Hootananny where S.Rise performed his first 45mns set with his live band. It was the 1st time he would headline a concert.
I am winning also states his convinction and his plans. It takes us right into S.Rise’s world with family and friends featuring in the video clip in cartoon forms. « The whole cartoon itself are friends and family. I like how everybody has been showcased…. I liked the way he put my mum and dad from the beginning. I greet them and then am in Guadeloupe with the sun shining. »
The wole concept of the cartoon was hugely important to S.Rise « When you are looking at music videos nowadays, children can’t look at them. For most of them, they are very sexualised. » S.Rise wanted to change that and connect with youth who can easily play it. And the children do love the characters and seeing S.Rise as a super hero.. S. Rise particularly likes his parents portrayed as a King and a Queen just like the lyric « I am the son of a King and a Goddess ». It is so important to him that young people respects their parents who are life-givers and he also wants to promote a counter culture which does not degrade women, nor hype drugs and the use of alcohol ; which he swaps for « having a bottle of water in his hand »
See still shots below and continue to read for more info on S.Rise
When it comes to S.Rise plans « I am plannning to go to Gambia in 2 years and live there, the plan is to have a business running over this side (UK) and keep being creative in Gambia. I want to set up smthg not as the boss, where I end up working even more than the employee but be the owner of the business, » echoed in the I am winning song :
« I don’t want to be the boss but the owner » ; nor will he follow the leader. « I am not a follower an I dont want people to be followers….. We are the leader. I am going to stand my ground, have my own thoughts and do my own things »
If you haven’t listened to the song yet, here is the link below and website to download.
S.Rise last words for you readers :
« Thank you for all the feedback I have got so far, thank you to Afro Culture with the interview, this is exclusive : stay connected, I am working on an album, debut album, out in 2019"
To see S.Rise perform in the next coming weeks, join him at Trafalgar Square on Saturday 18th August for the African Holocaust Day Commemoration and at Monday Notting Hill Carnaval Parade with Batuke on Monday 27th August 2018.