For more info, check out

For more info, check out

As Kwanzaa approaches, there is no better time of the year to discover or re-discover the crafts of Black artisans for gift ideas. On Saturday 1st December, Black History Studies put on a Black Market which we had the pleasure to check out!!

In line with the Ujamaa principle of Kwanzaa (economic cooperation) which aims at building and growing our businesses together and using our collective economic force for the benefit of the entire community, we are delighted to present a number of them and would encourage you to check their products for your festive seasons shopping.

For more info, continue to read on:

To order your copy, click link belowTo order your copy, click link below

To order your copy, click link below

To order your jumper, click on site below

To order your jumper, click on site below

To order, visit their website

To order, visit their website

We also had the opportunity to interview Nate The Lyricist, a spoken word artist who just released a track called BUY BLXCK (click on link below to listen to the track) and Paul Muhammad, the founder of the Money Mob movement on the importance of collective economics for the Afro-Caribbean communities which would be featured in 2019 in a short documentary on the importance of collective economics for Afro-Caribbean communities.

Nate the Lyricist on the left performing and Caro Sika interviewing Paul Muhammad on the rightNate the Lyricist on the left performing and Caro Sika interviewing Paul Muhammad on the right

Nate the Lyricist on the left performing and Caro Sika interviewing Paul Muhammad on the right

We would also like to bring to your attention the online directory of our partner Lobby Noir which lists Afro-Caribbean businesses and entrepreneurs for free and help your business grow outside organised and cultural markets. Peace and love to all!!!!

Caro Sika sporting out Gitas Portal Headwraps at Black Market Extravaganza - Photo Credit: GraphikVision

Caro Sika sporting out Gitas Portal Headwraps at Black Market Extravaganza - Photo Credit: GraphikVision

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