In the village of Hamamat, based in Tamale in the Northern Region of Ghana, all they ever use on their skin is freshly handmade sheabutter, natural oils, herbs and ingredients that are locally grown. The Queen Mother of the village is 98 and still boasts a beautiful skin.

Hamamat Montia, a former miss Africa and a model as seen in the picture below, has a very interesting story. Finding herself separated then divorced from her husband who pursued another love interest, she decided to return to her native village with her two children.

Photo Credit : Bra Perucci Africa

Photo Credit : Bra Perucci Africa

It was, in her view, one of the best decision of her life, reconnecting her with family and cultural traditions. Whilst sharing once a video of sheabutter making in her village, she realised the interest it sparked. It gave her the desire to learn for herself and to turn this artisan activity into a business, which has indeed become very prosperous for her, but not only as it created a local economy and jobs for many ladies in the village. Since the business grew creating other opportunities. Click below to find out the range of products and services Hamamat's village has to offer.
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