June Zouk and Kompa Events by Zouk Love London

Zouk Love London is back with a Special KOMPA Edition, on Friday 17th of June 2022 from 10PM to 3AM at the Adulis Lounge, 44 Brixton Road, London SW9 6BT.

Join the KOMPA Class before the party from 8.30pm to 10pm with the now well known Joyce-Lee for those who would like to learn how to dance it !  

On the Deck for you:

DJ SKETY from PARIS is ready to give you an avalanche of KOMPA & GOUYAD to celebrate KOMPA. This Haitian native DJ will make this night memorable. The traditional DJ GATRESS will also be bringing to you a touch of Zouk, Zouk love, Retro Zouk and more. Last but not least, DJ REDSTAR from the UK will play the best of Dancehall, Afrobeats, Kuduro & Soucous

For more info and to book your tickets, click the link below:

You can also join Tuesday classes. Next one will be tomorrow. Click below for more info.

June Zouk and Kompa Events by Zouk Love London
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