7th West African Dundun Drum & Dance Festival at Peckham Levels
28 juin 2023On Saturday 1st July 2023, Dembis Thioung, a mesmerizing master of the dunduns - the melodic and hypnotic West African bass drums, in collaboration with the Little Baobab, the London-based finest soul food Senegalese Restaurant, are organizing a one day event at Peckham Levels: the 7th WEST AFRICAN DUNDUN DRUM + DANCE festival with workshops, live & community performances, nourishing food and live dj music until late.
Its 7th edition is promising to be a successful annual event that gathers masters’ artists from all over West Africa and the diaspora, and the London vast African drum & dance community creating a safe space for the collective to come together and heal through cultural exchange catering for all ages, curiosities, and levels (under 18’s year old must leave the premises at 9pm).
The one-day festival will take place at the reconverted Peckham Levels(@peckham levels) (95A Rye Lane, SE15 4ST), a project that gives local talent access to the space they need to create thriving enterprises, with nearly 100 independent creative involved. Click below to visit their website.
Festival Schedule for SATURDAY 1st July 2023
1pm - DUNDUN DRUM CIRCLE WORKSHOP with Dembis Thioung (£15): The West African Dundun make up the HEARTBEAT, the MELODY and the SOUL of traditional ensemble music. These drums have the power to invoke spiritual transformation and collective healing. www.dembisthioung.com
3pm - LION SABAR DANCE WORKSHOP with Moulaye Diallo (£15) : For the first time in the UK, the Lion King of Senegal will be revealing the secrets of the mystic and ancient popular character SIMB. As the dancers synchronize their movements with the drumbeat, they become vessels of embodied expression the Lions of Senegal, telling stories of ancestral heritage, spiritual devotion with live drumming. https://www.youtube.com/@moulayethekingballetliondusene
5pm - LITTLE BAOBAB FOOD & SOCIALIZE (£9-15): Gather around a nourishing meal of your choice, London's finest Senegalese soul food, and strengthened your bonds with the members of the community honoring and celebrating shared experiences. Veg option available. https://littlebaobab.co.uk/
7.30pm - BENE TALLY COLLECTIVE PERFORMANCE (£7-10): The Bene Tally Band Collective represents a profound convergence of music, community and divine energy. Their collective expression serves as a conduit touplift, inspire, and invites the participants to tap into their own spiritual essence through sound and movement. Special artist guests: Moussa Dembele (balafon, drum), Yeb (saxo), Apex Zero (spoken word, drum) Aida Diop (dance, vocals), Luzmira Zerpa (vocals, dance), Yemalla sisters (drum), Penchmi dundunfolas (drum, dance), Medoune Ndiaye (sabar drum), Lamin Sanneh (sabar drum), Kaw Seck (sabar drum) and Dembis Thioung (all drums) https://www.dembisthioung.com/benetallycollective
10pm - DJ MUSIC & DANCE UNTIL LATE (FREE): With the ongoing mission to move your mind & body + life force feed your soul.
Ticketing &Bookings:
In order to reserve a drum for the workshop, a space at the dance session or a ticket to the concert, we require that participants book their tickets in advance.
We have a partnership with Afromoya (@afromoya) which is a UK based ticketing online platform that supports and promotes Black cultural events in the UK and France at more competitive rates than other platforms such as Eventbrite. They have also recently launched a new funding service to boost the production of African cultural events. Click the link below to book your ticket.
https://youtu.be/MW575BtIZsE7th WEST AFRICAN DUNDUN DRUM + DANCE - Special Sabar Edition:Dembis Thioung in collaboration with the London-based Senegalese Restaurant The Little Babobab are organizing
Find below all social media handles:
IG / @dembisthioung
Festival Promo Reel:
Conversations with the Lion King of Senegal:
Bene Tally Collective rehearsal vibes: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Ct92BcCITrg/?igshid=YzcxN2Q2NzY0OA==
YOUTUBE / Dembis Thioung
Promo reel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MW575BtIZsE
Conversations with the Lion King of Senegal:
Bene Tally Collective rehearsal vibes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKw1g6uM0Dc
Bene Tally promo at Hootananny: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ith2g9T_8jw&t=17s
For more info, contact: Dembis Thioung
Email: dembis.thioung@gmail.com;
M: +44 7454 825397