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Boubacar Kafando and Zaama Nooma at Hootananny, Brixton

27 Novembre 2018 , Rédigé par www.afrocultureblog.com Publié dans #interview, #music, #carosika, #artist, #2018, #ENG, #burkinafaso, #uk

Boubacar Kafando interviewed by Caro Sika

Boubacar Kafando and members of the Zaama Nooma Band
Boubacar Kafando and members of the Zaama Nooma BandBoubacar Kafando and members of the Zaama Nooma Band

Boubacar Kafando and members of the Zaama Nooma Band

The actual band came together in 2010.  The meaning of the band's name is "united we are stronger" in the Mossi Language, which is the dominant language of Burkina Faso, which counts approximately 70 languages and makes it a multicultural country, as many African nations. Boubacar Kafando and the band's love for people and unity really translate in their love for music; and the expression of their music is to call people to leave in harmony and love each other. They equally address the need for social justice and inequalities or injustice they see around them. It naturally makes perfect sense that the latest album of Boubacar Kafando, released in 2016, is called "faut pas se diviser", we must not be divided.

For more info about Zaama Nooma, Afrobeat band, check the link below:

Caro Sika and the Zaama Nooma Band, Hootananny

Caro Sika and the Zaama Nooma Band, Hootananny

Their musical project is, however, far beyond the music industry alone. Zaama Nooma is also the name of the charitable organisation Boubacar Kafando founded in 2007 with the aim to pass on the musical heritage of Burkina Faso and sub-Saharan Africa to the youth. It accomplishes its goal through different actions such as musical workshops (Djembe, Kora), concerts, educational activities such as the repair and manufacture of instruments and research and preservation of endangered instruments. A cultural centre "le centre culturel Zounoogo" also opened its doors in 2009 in the town of Saponé, Burkina Faso.

For more info, https://www.boubacarkafando.com/association-zaama-nooma

It is evident that Boubacar's passion and commitment for music is integral, touring throughout the world and raising funds for the work of his charity and he is actively working at promoting the band so that they can comfortably make a living from the art and their craft. That is one of the reason Boubacar Kafando loves performing in London which he considers to be a multicultural city, very open to African Culture and music.

For my part, I have loved seeing Boubacar Kafando and the Zaama Nooma band perform. I loved the energy, the fusion of rock and the traditional rhythmic of the Kora and other traditional instruments.

For Boubacar Kafando's and the Zaama Nooma's Band next concerts, find all the dates on https://www.boubacarkafando.com/

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

It is evident that Boubacar's passion and commitment for music is integral, touring throughout the world and raising funds for the work of his charity and he is actively working at promoting the band so that they can comfortably make a living from the art and their craft. That is one of the reason Boubacar Kafando loves performing in London which he considers to be a multicultural city, very open to African Culture and music.

For my part, I have loved seeing Boubacar Kafando and the Zaama Nooma band perform. I loved the energy, the fusion of rock and the traditional rhythmic of the Kora and other traditional instruments.

For Boubacar Kafando's and the Zaama Nooma's Band next concerts, find all the dates on https://www.boubacarkafando.com/

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Gida Live & San Mei Gallery present 'An Evening with Eshe Escoffery'

27 Novembre 2018 , Rédigé par www.afrocultureblog.com Publié dans #event, #music, #artist, #2018, #esheescoffery, #ENG, #uk

Gida Live & San Mei Gallery present 'An Evening with Eshe Escoffery'

Gida Live & San Mei Gallery present 'An Evening with Eshe Escoffery'

On 8th December 2018, Gida Live & San Mei Gallery team up to present 'An Evening with Eshe Escoffery' with your host Eon Irvin of Crackers Radio.
You'll find out more about Eshe Escoffery musical journey from life with the talented family group The Escofferys to the release of the debut solo Nu Kosmic Soul EP "Live Life Be Here". A pianist will accompany the live performance.
Once you've got to know about Eshe, Eon Irving will get you Toe Tappin' and Hip Shakin' to those tunes that make you wanna move.
There's a complimentary drink on arrival and NuDawn will be selling with their amazing Rotis
To book, click link below
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FDesouche vs Lobby Noir, hmmm propos racistes et injurieux!!!

26 Novembre 2018 , Rédigé par www.afrocultureblog.com Publié dans #société, #afroculture, #2018, #lobbynoir, #FR

FDesouche vs Lobby Noir, hmmm propos racistes et injurieux!!!

J’étais alertée en fin de semaine dernière par un de mes collègues de Lobby Noir, agence de référencement d’entrepreneurs noirs donc afro-descendants à Paris par les propos méprisants tenus par un groupe se nommant Fdesouche. L’équipe de Lobby Noir avait été intriguée par un buzz que leur site avait suscité en début de semaine et dont elle avait cherché la cause. A leur grande surprise, ce buzz venait d’un site « de média d’information » se nommant Fdesouche les accusant de communautarisme !! Le nombre accru de visites suite à leur article en ligne était alarmant car il indiquait qu’une quantité importante d’internautes était affiliée à leur idéologie….


Je dois prendre un petit temps de pause parce que d’une certaine manière, dès le départ, c’est carrément risible… d’accuser de communautarisme une organisation à vue économique et politique quand on s’appelle Fdesouche (c’est-à-dire «Français de souche »), et qu'on fait déjà de la discrimination car qui sont les français de souche si ce n’est les français aux origines européennes, c’est-à-dire les français blancs.

Je pourrai vraiment m’en tenir là car il n’y a aucun doute que le contenu de l'article est haineux et émanant d’un site raciste, cependant pour le profit de tous, j’aimerai développer un peu ce sujet car « Chinatown » or « BombayTown » dirigées exclusivement par des entrepreneurs chinois ou indiens ne sont vraisemblablement plus un problème pour la majorité des nations mais « AfrikTown » pose encore des problèmes, surtout dans l’espace francophone et tarde à rentrer dans les mœurs, son intention étant souvent mal comprise ou faisant peur.

Il y a nombreuses pistes à explorer à ce sujet, ce que je ne tenterai de faire maintenant.  L’appellation «  lobbynoir » fait référence à un lobby afro-descendants car la présomption est bien que dès qu’une personne est noire, il est certain qu’au moins le siècle passé une personne de sa lignée venait d’Afrique (l’histoire nous le prouve bien et l’Education Nationale ferait bien de mettre à jour les programmes scolaires en incluant les civilisations africaines avant la traite négrière, les causes et les conséquences de la traite négrière, notamment économiques et psychologiques et la mutation de l’esclavage en colonialisme et néo-colonialisme de nos jours). Et lorsque la France a une représentation d’environ 10 millions d’afro-descendants (en lisant entre les lignes), il est certain qu’on ne peut satisfaire les besoins de consommation de cette communauté qu’à partir de quelques quartiers tels Château Rouge à Paris, d’où la nécessité de groupes et d’agences tels que LobbyNoir.


LobbyNoir est une agence de référencement et un concept très ingénieux qui répond à une attente marketing d’environ un cinquième de la population française au moins, et en premier lieu celle qui est noire. On comprend bien que lorsqu’on a le cheveu crépu on aura besoin d’un coiffeur afro qui sera 8 fois sur 10 noir, lorsqu’on voudra acheter un ensemble en pagne, le tailleur ou couturier sera très certainement afro-descendant, lorsqu’on voudra se marier et qu’on recherchera un DJ qui peut jouer des sons afro-caribéens, il ou elle sera également la plupart du temps noir. Et c’est une bonne chose également pour les français d’origine européenne, indienne ou asiatique qui veulent acheter ce type de produits ou avoir accès à ces services car ils pourront facilement les localiser.


Mais ce qui pour moi est le plus notable sur l’application est la section  « la voix noire ». C’est la crème de la crème en outil statistique, on ne fait pas mieux pour dresser un profil des consommateurs et leurs avis sur divers sujets concernant les noirs et la diaspora africaine partout dans le monde. Cet outil statistique permet de collecter des opinions au travers de sondage représentatif des attentes de la communauté noire et par communauté on entend des citoyens qui ont un héritage culturel et historique commun, des spécificités communes telles la couleur de peau, la religion, la langue, le type de cheveu, l’alimentation etc…. et de par ce fait des revendications similaires. Il est important que cette large représentation de la population mondiale puisse se constituer en lobby et faire valoir ses droits et sa volonté citoyenne. Enfin, rien de plus normale dans une démocratie !!


En somme, une agence à remercier et à utiliser sans modération, disponible sur www.lobbynoir.com ainsi qu’une application mobile téléchargeable gratuitement [lobbynoir] « !! Vive LobbyNoir !!!

Ils seront d’ailleurs de passage à Londres le 8 décembre 2018 lors de la foire de Voice, presse établie en Grande Bretagne qui œuvre à la valorisation de sa population noire, en vue de collaboration dans l’espace afro-caribéen anglophone.

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Phenomenal Richard Bona at the Jazz Cafe London, Tour 2018

23 Novembre 2018 , Rédigé par Caro Sika Publié dans #carosika, #interview, #artist, #music, #afroculture, #2018, #richardbona, #ENG, #cameroun

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

What a fabulous experience seeing and listening to Richard Bona and his Live Band’s performance in the intimacy of the iconic London Jazz Cafe this week and no we didn’t want it stop although he tried hard (for almost 30mns passed his set time) to put us to sleep in the most creative way ever….

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

Richard Bona is just an incredible and charismatic being, a substantial artist and a huge musical reference in « mankind » register. Not only is his voice smooth, surreal and unique, his music ecclectic and sophisticated, he just connects with any « nation and tribe » on earth !!! We all shared in this remarkable moment of musical genius as Richard connected with the audience representing different countries and started speaking and singing in Italian, « Hungarian », Hindi or Marathi perhaps as he referred to his fans in Mumbai, to name just a few, and even Japanese !!! Yes, while holding a professorship of Jazz music at New York University, Richard Bona spent 4 years learning Japanese (for free !!! as he boasted on stage). We all laughed at his facial expressions as he recalled the astonishement of Japanese tourists on NY tube as he directed them in their native language….. A black man speaking ……………. !!! Anyhow you got it !!!

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

Photo Credit: Giuliano Eboulia

And the songs he performed that night are just a display of his artistic prowess !! such as Kalabancoro released in 2003 with great groove and tunes, keys and brilliant shifts in sound perspective ; New Bell released in 1999 which alternates between African polyrhythms and bits of jazzy swing, it also encapsulates the depth of the artist as he tells the story, in his native Cameroonian language Douala, of a man falsely imprisoned for 15 years in the Cameroonian prison called New Bell. It has to be said, Richard Bona’s grandfather was a ‘griot’ (West African StoryTeller to keep it simple).

Richard also performed the song « Please don’t stop » birthed from his collaboration with John Legend released in 2005 on his fourth solo album Tiki, which was nominated for Best Contemporary World Music Album at the 49th Grammy Awards, as well as the song Muntula Moto from his latest album Heritage that he released in 2016 under Quincy Jones’ Qwest Label. The title of the song actually means « the benediction of a long life » which talks of the wisdom of old age.

It was a delightful moment !! The cultural and artistic contribution of a great Son of Africa to music and mankind. Sticking to his roots and yet transcending them to a universal musical expression !! Our legacy !!

Thank you Richard Bona and to you all, make sure to check out when this amazing artist comes to your hometown.

See tour dates and locations below, more to come in 2019 !!

Richard Bona and his Live Band at the Jazz Cafe London Tour 2018 - Photo Credit: Giulano Eboulia
Richard Bona and his Live Band at the Jazz Cafe London Tour 2018 - Photo Credit: Giulano Eboulia
Richard Bona and his Live Band at the Jazz Cafe London Tour 2018 - Photo Credit: Giulano Eboulia

Richard Bona and his Live Band at the Jazz Cafe London Tour 2018 - Photo Credit: Giulano Eboulia

Richard Bona Tour 2018

Richard Bona Tour 2018

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HEIR BORN LEGACY - Liberated Spirits Expressing through Music!!

23 Novembre 2018 , Rédigé par Caro Sika Publié dans #music, #event, #artist, #ENG, #uk

HEIR BORN LEGACY - Liberated Spirits Expressing through Music!!
What is Heir Born Legacy?
Heir Born Legacy is a collection of independent musicians and a music manager that have taken their careers into their own hands. The title 'Heir Born Legacy' derives from their emphatic belief that successful, fulfilling careers in music is their legacy and their destinies so THEY are responsible for making it happen. 
The concept came about from the harsh realisation that having and making great music is NOT enough. The social media age, in which we now live, dictate that artists must have a big fan and followers base to succeed and in order to do so ARTISTS MUST have the "Make It Happen" Factor. This new innovative concept would proactively support their vision. It would also contribute to develop both the artists' fan base and notoriety required to make a healthy living from music and tour worldwide.
The founding members are:
K9 - Rapper/Producer who has been actively involved in music creation for over 10 years, producing for various artists while slipping in his own projects, now getting ready to release his highly anticipated second entitled 'Blak n Forth'. K9 is described by industry experts as authentic, head-nod, lyrically informative, conscious, thought-provoking, musically captivating hip hop with a prominent Reggae influence.
S.Rise is a singer and songwriter from Guadeloupe. His stage name is a reflection of his conscious lyricism and lifestyle. S.Rise writes from his life experiences and blessings. He wrote one of his most popular song "Most High" on the dreamland riddim alongside legendary artists including Capleton, Sizzla and Frankie Paul. In December 2017,  S.RISE Brought some firing performance at the biggest reggae festival in Gambia ,"GAMBI FEST" where he shared the stage with artists like "I wayne " and "Gage ".
In  2018, S.RISE opened up for Kalash sold out show in London followed by an amazing show in Guadeloupe  where he shared the stage with Etana. Consequently, on 8th December 2018, he will be returning to Guadeloupe to support some of the greatest bashment artists such as MOVADO/KALASH/ASA BANTON at LIV'my MUSIC event. 

Union Blak - Union Blak are an international Hip Hop group residing in the UK. Sir Williams, the producer, is from Birmingham, England. Kimba the emcee is from Trenton, NJ & Kentucky in the USA. They met in 2008 via myspace & quickly developed a strong chemistry. Classic hip hop was the result. To date they have two albums Street English & Union Blak Friday. Both were well received & supported by Chuck D, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Premier, Pos Da Nous of De La Soul, & Lauren Laverne of BBC Radio 6.


RED is an ambitious young woman who has a global vision, passion for the arts and uncompromising work ethic. In 2015, she launched her company, RED ENTERTAINMENT. Starting her own operation was a great way to break into music management and helped her in gaining some real experience. She took over the management of S.RISE in 2016 AND K9 in 2018. RED's management expertise brought S.RISE and K9 international opportunities, greater independence and performances at One Love Festival – the #1 UK festival in celebration of all things reggae and dub and Gambi Fest - The biggest reggae festival in The Gambia.
So if you would like to find out more, make sure to attend their 1st event @Mau Mau in London on Saturday 1st December 2018. Tickets are £5 on the door. Stay connected  and follow them on their social media pages @heirbornlegacy for more events.
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The best sound of authentic British Soul on stage at Boisdale !

21 Novembre 2018 , Rédigé par Caro Sika Publié dans #carosika, #artist, #music, #event, #ujamaa, #afroculture, #2018, #thebritishcollective, #ENG, #uk

Photo Credit: Snazmusic

Photo Credit: Snazmusic

Yesterday was the launch of the British Collective’s five-day performance at the lively and chic music venue Boisdale in Canary Wharf, London with a live band : keys, bassist, guitarist, drums and vocalists.

Thanks to these four amazingly talented performers, from the get-go, we travelled back to some of the most iconic British soul anthems such as « Family » by Noel Mckoy, « Unbreakable » by Don-E, « There’s nothing like this » by Omar and « Mama used to say » by Junior, to the authentic sound of British Soul music spanning over 30 years, a real treat.

These four artists who are true legends of British Soul Music have sold millions of records worldwide and won many notable industry awards. Individually, they are hugely successful artists but together as the British Collective, you have a dutch pot of different vibes. It’s an incredible fusion of Caribbean and English influenced RnB.

The British Collective released the 1st volume of their album: The Renaissance Begins in 2016, a mix of RB & Soul and their set last night included many of its songs, such as « Romantic » and a « Piece of Heaven » which are pop orientated and the 1st and 2nd singles released . Shooting the 1st single big video in Crystal Palace actually led on to this artistic collaboration, where the 4 musicians would commit to compose and do the vocals of two songs each to produce an album. Hence, the next songs performed on stage, such as « Take your time », was written by Noel McKoy. It is a Lovers Rock reminiscing the music scene they all experienced in the 80s and 90s including reggae sounds. Remember that the core members of the group all have Jamaican parentage and their West Indian musical heritage influences the sound of their RnB. Their style could be summed up as « the heartbeat of Reggae expressed in soul ». Other album’s tracks such as « That’s why ! » written by Don E and his brother for Omar has got a latin swing to it.

Video of 1st single Romantic of the British Collective Album

As the concert drew to a close, the icing on the cake was the Live performance of their soon to be released New Single « So ready », a Slow Jam that will melt the hearts of most ladies out there.

In other words, make sure you attend one of the Live Performance of the British Collective at Boisdale this week. They will be performing every night until Friday 23rd November !!! Not to be missed !!

For more info on the British Collective and to book your tickets, click the link below:

Noel McKoy on the left, Junior and Noel, Omar on the right, photo credit: SnazmusicNoel McKoy on the left, Junior and Noel, Omar on the right, photo credit: SnazmusicNoel McKoy on the left, Junior and Noel, Omar on the right, photo credit: Snazmusic

Noel McKoy on the left, Junior and Noel, Omar on the right, photo credit: Snazmusic

Caro Sika with the British Collective, photo credit: Snazmusic

Caro Sika with the British Collective, photo credit: Snazmusic

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