Men Utd 4 Christ 10k Tough Mudder Team 2023

Men Utd 4 Christ 10k Tough Mudder Team 2023

A group of London based men, aged 40+, have challenged themselves to train together twice a week for several months to complete the 10 k tough Mudder course on Saturday 15th April 2023 in Finsbury Park. 

Prostate cancer is now the most diagnosed cancer in the UK and 11,500 men die from the disease every year.

It is close to home for many men, especially from minority groups and this team decided to rise to the challenge to help combat and overcome prostrate cancer.

And what better way than to stay fit physically, mentally and spiritually!

Support the cause by clicking the link below. You can also attend the 10K Tough Mudder which will take place in Finsbury Park, Haringey, N4 2PG this Saturday.

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